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What should I pay attention to in autumn?

The main qi in autumn is dryness. Chinese medicine 蔡加赞 believes that heaven and man correspond to each other. Lung gold corresponds to the qi in autumn, and "the lung is thin, such as the dryness of the evil spirits." Therefore, from the perspective of seasonal health, autumn lung is the most suitable, so autumn The way of health care lies in the prevention of yin and dryness. Maintenance can be carried out by the following methods:

1. Diet

In dietary care, the guidelines should be to prevent dryness, protect yin, nourish yin and nourish the lungs. It is advisable to eat sesame, glutinous rice, dairy products, honey, pears, lotus seeds, white fungus, grapes, radishes, vegetables and other soft foods. At the same time, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables and a balanced diet. After the hot summer, people tend to experience weakened spleen and stomach functions, especially those who are physically weak. Therefore, pay attention to giving the spleen and stomach a stage of adjustment and adaptation. In autumn, some nutritious and easy-to-digest foods can be supplemented first, such as fish, lean animal meat, poultry eggs, yam, red dates, lotus root and so on.

2. Living

Liu Yanfeng, an otolaryngologist at Jiande Hospital, reminded everyone that the temperature difference between day and night in autumn, you must take advantage of the wind when you get up in the morning and evening, and you must add clothes in time to prevent the autumn cold. In addition, early to bed and early to rise are conducive to convergence and protect the lungs from autumn dryness. You can also do some outdoor exercises to improve lung function and airway defense.

3. Sports

The autumn regimen cannot depart from the principle of "nourishment", and the maintenance of yang in the body should be the primary task. Exercise should also comply with this principle. Exercise should not be too large, especially for the elderly, children and the infirm, to prevent excessive sweating and loss of yang. For young people, climbing is a good choice, while middle-aged and elderly people can choose to jog and walk.

4. Mindset

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