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What is the classification inspection of the blood analyzer 5? What is the purpose of the inspection

hematology analyzer also includes monitoring data such as white blood cell count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, platelet count, reticulocyte count, hematocrit and platelet count. After the examination, a preliminary assessment of the physical condition can be made.

Simply put, white blood cell data can evaluate the body’s immune status, red blood cell data can evaluate the body’s oxygen-carrying status, reticulocytes can evaluate the body’s hematopoietic status, and check for bacterial infections, viral infections, anemia, normal blood coagulation, etc..

Generally speaking, the equipment of primary medical units on the market is mainly based on three categories, because the prices of the three categories are relatively cheap, which can not only meet the testing needs, but also do not need to invest too much cost, and can obtain profits in a short time. Suitable for primary medical units.

hematology analyzer technology has developed from three categories to the current five categories, from two-dimensional space to three-dimensional space. At the same time, the five major types of modern blood cell analyzers also use advanced technologies such as sheath flow technology and laser technology.

These five types of blood cells are mainly to clarify the specific type of infection. If it is a bacterial infection, it usually causes an increase in the ratio of neutrophils; if it is a viral infection, it may cause an increase in the ratio of lymphocytes and monocytes; if it is an allergy, it may cause an increase in eosinophils.

The above is an introduction to the five major categories of blood analyzers

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